Sunday, October 12, 2008

makan makan

heheh one of the reason i stop blogging backthen is....

takde digi cam! lame kan, tp that is one of the reason laa kut...

so after sebulan berpuasa............dah mula keja balik, terus teringat kat one of my favourite! Capati...(yer, i do keja with lots of Mamak n indian, and somehow i terjangkit with the appetite!)

so lunchbreak! terus drive ke SP town, i mean really really in the middle of kesesakan kota...and order....

mamak, capati dua, ubi kentang, bendi taruk juga, kari sket ya! minum kasi soya tin....

the kentang, to add some chilly taste, baru rasa melayu sket!

"Bendi, nmpak cam bunga rampai jer" kata seseorang...

the result: puas....................

(i am still on diet by the way)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nyum~ buka selera
jgn lupa